Are you aware :: by close proximity, we can catch stress from others?
Let’s talk about a leaky situation…
After speaking with someone, have you ever felt a complete drain?
When walking into a high energy room, do you feel as if you leave with it all sucked out of you?
Nerd tip :: cortisol, our primary stress hormone - literally leaks out of our bodies during times of stress and those surrounding us absorb it.
Being mindful of our own stress level is crucial for our health … but also those we may inadvertently impact.
Signs of elevated cortisol levels can include ::
sleep disruption
belly fat // weight gain
skin dryness
A few ways to calm cortisol levels ::
adequate sleep
deep breaths
(or speaking aloud - even if it’s with yourself!!)reducing caffeine intake
walking / exercising
(sweating out excess cortisol)lifting heavy
(namely in theAM to burn down cortisol)
**acute stress to reduce chronic stress :: take a peak at the following blog if you missed it**
Try any number of these to support your own well-being as well as those you could potentially be spreading your stress wealth with … and live better!!