Are you aware :: the (1) thing that sets us up for success - personally + professionally?
I own it :: the underlying vibe to a lot of what I speak to surrounds food + sleep.
It’s not only because I’m passionate about the two … but through my own research + experimentation - it’s clear, these two are the resounding factors that greatly impact our everyday lives :: how we perform, how we desire to show up!
…& the good news :: we mostly have control over both (!!)
Over more years than I like to admit, I struggled with sleep - it was awful ::
taking 1-3 hours to fall asleep
waking up 3-4x a night
not being able to fall back to sleep
Most times, my mind would just not stop.
At one point my brother said :: “Stop caring so much!” - thanks big bro, that’s helpful … tactical advice. ;)
Earlier this year I made a decision to intentionally explore + effort improving this part of my life.
So, hello :: Lori Lutz, here - wanting to sprinkle out what I’ve learned along the way in hopes if you also struggle in this area, something I share may help.
*here comes the sun*
I thought this one was a little strange initially - what, we need morning sunlight to have a goodnight’s rest?!
Well … little darlin’, The Beatles were on to something.
Morning sunlight is absolutely vital for kicking off + maintaining our circadian rhythm.
Yep, I’m all in :: I’m the weirdo outside looking toward the sunrise anywhere from 5-20+ minutes every morning to get my circadian rhythm going.
You can also take a walk, which may look less weird. :)
Pro tip :: when getting outside with the sunrise, no sunglasses or blue blocker glasses
+don’t stare directly into the sun either - the rays are strong enough to get what we need into our eyeballs
*ritualize wind down*
3hr window from eating to bed
calm the mind / body, whatever works best for you :: stretching / journaling / praying / meditating
keep a consistent sleep schedule
Nerd tip :: even on holidays / weekends, try not to sleep in or go to bed more than 1 hour variance - anything longer can completely disrupt our circadian rhythms
*bedroom oasis*
uber dark
minimize noise
no phone / blue light
temperature sweet spot :: 65-72ºF
There’s certainly more to dive into like caffeine, alcohol, hormonal changes - but, this has already gotten real wordy.
If you or someone that matters to you needs support, share some of these tactics - jumping on the journey of betterment!