Are you aware :: the (1) thing that aligns us, ignites us to wake up every morning?


I’ve shared research that proves anywhere from our 30’s to 50’s it’s natural to feel stuck. 

Life is a marathon so it’s vital we absorb our purpose will evolve.

Rediscovering why we exist.  

What from inside are we expressing outward … and/or desire to do as such.

Think :: 

  • where do we get bursts of energy?

  • when is all concept of time lost?

  • what do we love to learn? // what do we love to share?

Assess those answers.

// find the patterns

// make the connections

Nerd tip :: connection to our purpose is not intellectual - it’s visceral, emotional, physical - a time we feel in complete flow.

With a deep connection to our purpose ::

  • we withstand periods of boredom

  • divert swiftly in moments of anxiety or frustration

  • experience increased self-awareness

  • when faced with rejection - personally or professionally - feels like redirection

Pro tip :: life isn’t about fitting in, into a box … yet to be true, be our authentic and unique selves.

Let’s use this to carve out our paths …& always question ::  does the path we’ve chosen feed our soul or diminish us?

If the latter, time to pivot … in pursuit of living lighter, living better - for ourselves and all around us!


Are you aware :: how to protect our aging brains?


Are you aware :: the (1) thing that sets us up for success - personally + professionally?