Are you aware :: sitting is the new smoking?
Feeling stressed - try this…
We’ve all heard it :: “sitting is the new smoking”.
It’s not just how exercise and moving are good for us but - science proves that sitting is actually bad for us - for our stress, anxiety, burnout, overall health + well-being.
Sitting puts us at higher risk of…
diabetes by 112%
heart disease by 147%
death from heart disease by 90%
overall death by 50%
We sit at work.
We sit during our commutes (if we have one).
We sit when the workday is over.
Our bodies are meant for movement!
Nerd tip :: when getting up + moving - it creates a cascade of positive biological changes to our brain and body; neurochemicals are released in our brain (think :: serotonin, dopamine … endorphins!!).
Data suggests ::
sitting for prolonged periods we tend to ruminate, stew … overthink
walking for as little as 10 minutes significantly decreases our anxiety + depressive states
So, the next time we realize time has passed and we’ve been sitting at length
>> get up - get moving <<
even if just to the bathroom, kitchen … or wiggling on a ball.
Experience how this minor tweak in our day impacts our well-being!