Are you aware :: selfishness is good for you?

Insert the term <<wise>> :: wise selfishness.

When I’m navigating through heavy life hiccups, I remind myself the importance of being good to me.

Taking care of ourselves better prepares us to help others. 

It may not always feel right, however - putting ourselves, our well-being first, in a compassionate and wise manner is the best thing we can do for ourselves to support others.

Nerd tip :: Neurobiologically as humans our brains experience pleasure when doing selfless acts for others.  

In fact, research proves doing just one selfless act sticks with us for weeks after :: the high of helping (my words;)!

How can we ensure we are able to experience that lift from helping others all the while not overextending ourselves? 

(1) Let’s get controversial with the #1 way to practice wise selfishness :: LOVE !!!

Taking care of ourselves - mind and body, is showing love for oneself - emotionally, mentally, physically, spiritually.  

Whether it’s a practice of affirmations, meditation, journaling, attending the workout class we’re curious about, engulfing ourselves in nature … pick something (or a few!!) that work best for you to ritualize, supporting your own well-being.

LOVE yourself enough so you can love others more effectively!

(2) Establish healthy boundaries (and stick with them!!) so you are protecting your energy.

This goes personally and professionally.  

Not always the easiest, but getting clear on your limits so you won’t overextend yourself is crucial.  

Once you are clear (practice!!), it’ll become second nature; when something arises you’ll be able to make a definitive decision whether you should commit.

(3) Assess emotions in becoming a master of self awareness.  

Our emotions are data - they will always be an excellent navigator in understanding how we’re feeling and what we have left to give, to ourselves, to others.  

Although we crave the practice of altruism, it is imperative we take care of ourselves first - so the experience on both sides is supreme! 

When we’re more able to show up and be present, giving our presence to others the richer relationships we’ll build.


Are you aware :: how negative self-talk extends to others?


Are you aware :: disagreeing <<well>> ignites the development of wisdom?