Are you aware :: how to protect our aging brains?

Even my nephews, all human brains get a little older every day.

So, it’s advantageous we take a moment to learn - we can never start too early to protect our aging brains!

What is it we have control over in protecting our brains :: 


They said it, I didn’t (this time;).

Let’s dig into the (5) science backed foods that are proven to protect our brains as we grow wiser…

(1) Green Leafy Vegetables

No surprise here - they are filled with anti-inflammatory molecules + antioxidants.

// reducing neuroinflammation

Think :: 

  • spinach

  • kale

  • cruciferous family - like broccoli and brussels

(2) Small Cold Water Fish

I get it, these likely aren’t our first go-to but they are power-players!

Nerd tip :: our brains are made of up to 60% of fat and ½ of that are omega-3’s

Think :: 

  • wild sockeye salmon

  • mackerel

  • anchovies

  • sardines

(3) Grass Fed Regenerative Raised Meats

This one holds controversial weight alongside, but here to share some surprisingly solid facts.

There’s been 500 studies and 250 policy documents showing how animal protein is a much needed nutrient.

Consuming this type of meat allows for release of several important brain chemicals called neurotransmitters - like precursors for both dopamine and serotonin.

Personally, I tend to run low in b12 + creatine - which is crucial for our skeletal muscles … grass fed regenerative raised meats have ample supply of both.

(4) Pasture Raised Eggs

Pro tip :: the yolk within pasture raised eggs has everything we need to grow and maintain our brains.

// they’re often referenced as nature's perfect multivitamin

(5) Blueberries

These are powerhouses helping to fight neuroinflammation (which can be associated with mood disorders, attention disorders, autism and more).

It’s the dark color … darker our fruit the better, so if you’re not a crazy fan of blueberries - try blackberries.

Just (1) cup a day to absorb the impact!

We have control over what we put in our mouths (+our kiddos) … let’s get creative and incorporate these when we can to help prevent decline and increase our health span.


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