Are you aware :: when to go with a gut feeling?

Let’s start with the basics… what exactly is intuition?

Intuition is wisdom from life lessons we’ve experienced yet don’t necessarily recall consciously.

A knowingness not based on logic, if you will. 

There’s major neurological basis for intuition. 

Nerd tip :: the vagus nerve is the primary neural pathway connecting our gut to our brain.

It serves as a bidirectional communication system, playing a crucial role in conveying gut feelings to the brain.

Our gut response is the feeling of intuition occurring when neurons in our guts communicate with neurons in our brain.

When we approach a decision intuitively, our gut works in tandem with our brain to quickly assess life lessons, experiences and preferences so we’re making the wisest decisions. 

Emerging evidence suggests that the composition of our gut bacteria impacts this process. 

So, here we are again :: highlighting the value of building a healthy gut microbiome!

When we have this, let’s listen to what that gut feeling is trying to tell us and push away any doubt coming from our head, our perception … and live better!!


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