Are you aware :: what (4) goals science proves lead to the happiest life?

Stick with me, these are going to seem very high level - but I’ll help make the connection…

(1) Faith

Whatever this means for you :: religion, spirituality … you get to decide.

(2) Family

The love you share with your given or chosen family.

(3) Friendship

Your tribe.  Your humans.

(4) Work that serves others

Making the connection of what you do and how it benefits others.

Okay, so what if your goal is to find those abs? 

Don’t be shy, I have had this one too.

Connection :: 

  • The root of finding abs is not ego driven.

  • It’s the choice to be a healthier version of yourself.

  • It’s the choice to achieve more dedication and discipline in your life. 

The why :: if you are healthier… 

  • this allows you to be around longer

  • this allows you to live lighter (mentally + physically)

  • this allows you to show up in the ways you desire

…& those why’s are contributing to living better (period!!);

being around / intentionally showing up / experiencing lightness

for + with your faith, your family, your friends and those you serve.

See how this works?

So, reassess your goals - and sync them with (1) or all (4) high level goals that are proven to lead to a happier life.


Are you aware :: it takes only 20%?


Are you aware :: what (3) things science proves we need to live happier?