Are you aware :: how to succeed at emotional regulation?
I like to think I have a good handle on this, but recently something had me rethinking - emotional regulation is hard!
>> Insert Challenge <<
Someone close is facing health, lifestyle complications … all emotion struck me.
I’m an empath - so absorption of what they may be feeling overwhelmed me.
However, in the moment - allowing the emotion to come I also remembered how I have no control over this.
I often speak to managing our expectations… that’s truly when we experience the most joy - at least that’s my opinion.
(*well, science says so too*)
So, I choose to focus on the happy times, the memories + even more we will get to make (!!!)
Take nothing, no time for granted.
I challenge you to also use this tool while navigating … well, life.
Next time you face an experience where you could easily go down a rabbit hole - recall this nerd tip…
we’re human - so also give yourself the grace of allowing the emotions to come, all the while choosing love, choosing strength - so that focus cleanses the brain in the healthiest manner in building resilience!
Nerd tip :: our brains are filled with neurons - wired together - and these connections get stronger or weaker through our experiences and what we choose to focus on.
What we focus on grows.
Finding + focusing on the good no matter the situation and our brains will grow to rewire - leaning us more toward positivity, literally cleansing our brains.
aka :: synaptic pruning
Give it a try, let’s focus on the good the next time the wind gets knocked out of us or even when something simply seems a bit heavier than ideal.
Make this consistent, our new way and experience the lightness of rewiring, cleansing our brains!