Are you aware :: of (3) things we have control over in achieving better mental health?
Let’s talk about it -- mental health ::
This is scary … but so real -- and invaluable to be sensitive of every human surrounding us!!
Nearly 1 billion on this planet have a mental health condition so serious it interferes with the ability to function.
1 in 5 of our children/adolescents are struggling with mental health
almost 1 in 4 adults
1 in 3 - young adults, ranging from 18-25
I’m going to take a food approach today >> shocker, I know.
…but, first :: allow me to preface, I full-heartedly understand this is more than a diet thing.
I am a die hard nerd (+support) anything backed by science / medicine / data / the list goes on!
One of my favorite topics … food!
//let’s think ::
The quality of our diet has deteriorated majorly over the past 50-75 years.
60% of what humans are eating is not real food
(think :: ultra processed, extracts, etc.)
Nutrition psychiatrists believe that the deterioration in our global mental health largely parallels and perhaps is driven by the downfall in the quality of our diet!
Data backs…
ketogenic diet does wonders for brain chemistry (no matter the age)
//being able to effectively process glucose and turn it into energy within our brains, aka - our brain’s metabolism (yes, that’s a thing!)
mediterranean seems to always be the go to
Our ancestors, depending on where they lived - survived and thrived off diets high in starch and fruit.
They did not develop mental illness, dementia or obesity.
So, it’s not the amount of carbohydrate in our diets but the QUALITY.
Our American diet ranges from 60-70% of ultra processed foods -- while up to 10% is our goal.
Nerd tip :: 21% of Americans' body fat is now linoleic acid whereas the hunter-gatherer population was around 4%.
Pro tip :: if susceptible to migraines, take a look at how much linoleic acid you are intaking and try to reduce;
(linoleic acid is highest in seed oils :: sunflower, corn, soybean, etc.)
(3) primary drivers of most mental and physical health conditions ::
oxidative stress
insulin resistance
When we balance our blood sugar, we won’t flood our brains with too much glucose leading to the (3) above.
Here are some ways to balance our blood sugar ::
protein in every meal
(feeds our good gut bugs)
good fats
(avocado / evoo / nuts + seeds)
start day with fat + protein
(no added sugar - even in AMbeverages)
//give this one a try to avoid that crash
low glycemic plant foods + fruits
(leafy greens / broccoli / berries / cherries / stone fruit - but limit to a few pieces/day)
(another) pro tip :: don’t eat carbs alone
(apple w/ nuts; sweet potato w/ non-starchy veggies)
whole grains
(black rice / quinoa / buckwheat / lentils / legumes)
(cinnamon :: helps blood sugar; green tea)
(resistance + aerobic)
walk after a meal
(15-30 minutes)
quality sleep
Okay, that was a lot … but if you’re still with me ::
Dramatic improvements have been realized in studies, some cases even a reversal in mental illness within a matter of weeks or months when focusing on what we put in our mouth.
This is not a one-size-fits-all approach, it’s really about assessing how we feel and having facts that can potentially allow us to live lighter.