Are you aware :: how to outperform expectations?


Research proves humans that help others with no strings attached - sharing knowledge, collaborative - tend to be more productive and innovative.

Also leading to higher levels of creativity.

Nerd tip :: neurobiologically as humans our brains experience pleasure when doing selfless acts for others.  

In fact, research proves doing just (1) selfless act sticks with us for weeks after :: the high of helping (my words;)!

Givers may initially be overlooked but often achieve greater sustainable success.

Having givers, being a giver in the center of all we do…

  • heightens engagement

  • fosters positive environments 

…elevating culture

Pro tip :: how do we spot the reverse, a taker - extraordinary skill - but are they using it in service of others?

❌typically a me-first + toxically competitive attitude❌

A giver will always have the mindset of…

  • how can I help humans around me be more effective?

  • how can I bring lightness to others?

  • how can I best support others?

Be that giver, help others succeed… and experience the beautiful ripple effect on all surrounding us!


Are you aware :: what can predict job performance + satisfaction?


Are you aware :: how competition impacts us (both positively + negatively)?